If another company owes your company money, chances are you want to collect on that debt as soon as possible while still preserving the business relationship whenever possible. While some debt collectors are unnecessarily aggressive, the collection process does not have to involve harassment and such aggressive threats of litigation.1 In fact,… Continued
For successful operations, businesses often rely on dealings with other businesses. Even with the economy bouncing back, many companies are still struggling and may have difficulty paying you the agreed-upon fee for any goods or services you provide them. If you are not successful in collecting on these debts on… Continued
Businesses rely on a wide variety of products and services in order to successfully operate. In many situations, businesses wrongfully choose not to fully pay for the goods or services they receive for a variety of reasons. Whether they are unable to pay, are planning to file for bankruptcy, or… Continued
If you’re an entrepreneur and considering forming a business, you may wonder “Does an LLC protect your personal assets?” The short answer is “yes, it does” in most cases. An LLC is a particular business structure that offers the liability protection of a corporation while giving you the flexibility of… Continued
In today’s business world, Intellectual Property (IP) plays an increasingly important role. Protecting innovative IP is becoming even more important in the global business community, with people the world over looking to take advantage of someone else’s work and turning it into a share of profits. We typically look to… Continued
There comes a time for many business owners when they cannot handle the workload and they need to hire someone to help. Hiring employees can be exciting as it is often a sign of growth, however, employing even one person will trigger a wide range of legal issues that must… Continued